

Friday, February 14, 2014


Random acts of kindness - they are abundant on this Valentine’s Day.  What are you hoping for?  Flowers….such natural beauty – sure to bring great smiles, Candy….sweets for the heart – always a favorite – something bigger, greater – something more sustaining. 
 How high is your expectation to feel - to show – to know – love?

Something happened to me today that I wanted to share, not a huge floral arrangement, nor the chocolate fountain of happiness – no, it was truly a random act of kindness and from the most unexpected place – it was from above.  Just landed on my desk at work, random……act….of……Love

Took out a folder, took off the band holding it all together….looked down at my desk
So what....a random heart fell from the sky made out of a rubber band  - big deal right!!! 

Well yes, it is, such an unexpected smile from the universe to say - I LOVE YOU!! 

Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty - today and everyday....know that you are all LOVED by more than just those who are here to show you.....expect miracles!
Happy Valentines Day!!

Monday, February 10, 2014


Ah Spring….what a beautiful day it is out today.  Bright sunshine, warm breezes rustling the budding trees.  Look, by the shed, the crocus and iris are just popping up through the soft ground.  

From you have I been absent in the spring
When proud-pied April, dress’d in all his trim,
Hath put a spirit of youth in every thing,
That heavy Saturn laugh’d and leap’d with him.
Yet nor the lays of birds, nor the sweet smell
Of different flowers in odour and in hue,
Could make me any summer’s story tell,
Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew:
Nor did I wonder at the lily’s white,
Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose;
They were but sweet, but figures of delight,
Drawn after you, you pattern of all those.
Yet seem’d it winter still, and you away,
As with your shadow I with these did play

Sonnet 98 by William Shakespeare

How I love this day – the promise of renew…..I so have missed you, my beloved spring, truly I must be lost in a daydream – awash with your beauty…….
Wake up – you fell asleep and Bella needs to go out……it’s very cold and snowing again; she probably needs her coat on….
38 days till Spring

Thursday, January 30, 2014

State of the Union

According to Bella ~

                EqualityEating Inequality I mean…where is the equality in our meal distribution?  How come it is that you who have thumbs get to eat 3 times a day and snack whenever you want and I, the thumb less, only get two meals, carefully measured?  I propose equal treatment…what about my middle of the day?  Let’s have a fair and balanced meal plan for all – DOGS!!

                Immigration – From my perspective, I don’t understand what the fuss is about.   We all must have come here from somewhere.   Ridgebacks are from Africa, a very long way from the Midwest.  How I see it, we are all immigrates.   I believe that the real focus should be on adopting shelter & rescue dogs, somehow they have become the forgotten few, waiting for someone, anyone,  to give them a chance.   I propose that everyone adopts from a shelter or rescue at least once in a lifetime.  Bring dogs (and ok, maybe cats too!)  into good homes.   All they truly want is a better life, and no they might not have been born where they are now, but given a chance in a new home (or country) they might just add so much to all our lives. 

                Health care - OK, I am only a DOG, I know, remember, no thumbs, that means no lunch or snacks all day long…. (see eating inequality above)…but this really can’t be that difficult.  When I don’t feel good, and yes, sometimes even when I feel fine, my mom takes me to see Dr. A to make sure that I am well taken care of.   Everyone, (and yes, I do mean cats too) should be able to see a doctor to make them feel better and to make sure they are going to stay feeling good.  I love going to Dr. A’s office…she always gives me treats, all the people who work there make me feel so special -  I know that they love me and want the best for me.  My mom says that I am so important and taking me to see Dr. A is part of what she does to keep me happy and healthy.     My mom is really big on health, and she said it is her responsibility to take care of me and it is my right to have access to good healthcare.  Seems pretty fair to me.

I know I should probably mention Foreign Policy – but I am really having a difficult time right now making amends with that….. SQUIRREL - no positive mojo thawing this icy relationship.   Maybe we will try again in the spring.

There you go....the State of the Union from the Ridge.....peace out!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

I remember you......

I remember you…  

You smell like my family, but I don’t get to see you that much.  Where have you been?  Oh that does not really matter, let’s play - it will be fun. 

Remember our hike in Vermont this summer?  You helped me learn how to go up and down the mountains – we went fast, ran and leaped - I felt safe.  I was young then and was not so sure of my abilities or really of you.  Mom tried her best to teach me, but well, she’s mom - you know, goes slow sometimes - too careful – ssshhh…. don’t tell her I said that, don’t want to hurt her feelings.  

Everyone is so happy when you come home – it makes me happy and excited too.  Mom cried but I could tell she was o.k., she was also laughing and smiling.  Mom does that when I do something special too…. You must be special like me.   Can we play now?  I can’t wait to go outside - in the snow, it will be great, I will get you my favorite stick.   You know, I think we are going to be great friends for a long time…..

Do you remember me?


Wednesday, January 15, 2014


January can be cold and dreary in many parts of the country.  Certainly here in the Midwest we have been experiencing a tremendous fluctuation with our temperatures.  This in turn has been making most everyone’s moods, well a little moody!!

Short days, cold gray skies and limited activity can make even the best of us a little cranky…..even Bella is a bit short on good mojo! 

I have decided to use today’s blog as sort of a mental infusion of positive energy for anyone who reads this, including yours truly.  In no particular order are some of the things I will continually remind myself are a great reason to be happy during the month of January (and beyond!):
Health – funny that I put this at the top of the list as this has been an interesting month with all sorts of fine tuning health needs.  All teeth, including Bella’s, have been cared for and we are happy to report big cheesy smiles will continue.  Go to the dentist – regularly, that’s all I am saying, and take care of your pet’s teeth as well. Their breath and good health will thank you for it.  One more thing about health, think about the foods that you ingest.  While culture, region and personal preference can influence your source of nutrition, balance what your mind thinks is good, with what is truly good for your body.  I am learning that the hard way, but I am grateful to have the opportunity to learn it and make it right.  
Birthdays – 3 out of 6 in our family (human family, not furry family) have January Birthdays.  I love Birthdays – I really do! When I was a little kid we always had small but happy memorable occasions to celebrate.  My kids will have those same memories of joyful, family filled parties when they were truly the stars of the show!  Even my furry family members have received a special treat on their big day.  While I love Birthdays – sometimes they don’t always love me.  So my happy thought for this year is to remind myself that a birthday is not measured by the size of celebration or gift given to you, but by the gift you give yourself.  Give yourself the joyful acknowledgement that you are unique and special but most of all be grateful to the lord for the gift of another wonderful year. 
Family – January is one of those months due to a large amount of days spent sequestered indoors, most of them with other members of your family who are equally as happy as you are for the continual company - when you really have to muster up a bunch of happy mojo and clever opportunities to keep sane.  We are no different than most families, love, love, love being around each other, but can’t stand it when hours turn into days turn into – I AM SO BORED!!
This January we had a few “snow days” and thank goodness for Bella – as she was our constant comic relief (see previous posts).  In addition to Bella’s antics, there will always be the inevitable “statement” of the moment that somehow becomes part of our family’s vocabulary….they are hilarious and if only to us, they make us smile and be thankful for US……
Watch out for the Black Cows!!
Creativity – This one ironically makes me the happiest, especially on a dreary January day.   All of my family is so talented and creative – I could burst with pride!!  All of them – human and furry!!  We have comics, princess divas, musicians, artists, builders, debaters, protectors, healers, writers and most importantly – faith filled, good hearted kind souls who make incredible contributions every day to this world. 
This is why I smile….. in January!!!
Dust of Snow - by Robert Frost
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a Hemlock Tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And save some part
Of a day I had rued
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Sparkle in her soul.....

Can you see the sparkle in her soul?  I can…. unending curiosity, determination, and comical happiness.   I could go on and on about her!  I Love her.  No apologies.   There is not a moment- even when she is being the independent free spirited Ridgeback that she is - that I don’t just marvel at how fast she is becoming my best friend.  Now, let me preface that with the fact that I have had and still have some very dear friends – and I adore my children and husband.  But there is something about the unconditional love from your pet that transcends all prejudice and judgment.  It is just pure love.  This blog could be just about Bella, but there is another dimension that I would like to share.

Can you see the sparkle in her soul?  You may think you see her face over a mountain or peeking out of a forest. The spirit of your sense of place can be elusive.  But oh when you find her – you will definitely know!!

I have not really touched a lot on this subject yet, because I have so much to say about my beloved Ridgeback Bella, but always in the back of my mind, I dream about how wonderful it would be to be doing __________ (insert the activity here) in Vermont.  Living in both the Northeast, South & Midwest has afforded me the opportunity to be part of communities that are as diverse as they are alike.  Each location has had its natural beauty, incredibly kind individuals and more than enough opportunities if you were willing to go for it.  The time spent in each place is loaded with treasured memories for all of my family.  Each one has their personal best location as well as the not so great from the list.  Undeniably each and every home has been part of the destiny and fabric of our lives.    

While living and staying in any one of these locations would have been perfectly suitable and for many these places are their forever.  What about those who are still looking - still restless, disconnected - but just can’t understand why – it could be that you have not found your sense of place. 

 I only visited Vermont as a child, then again as a young adult, more interested in skiing and having a party then understanding the resonating pulse of the community.  Growing up in the Northeast - up in the sticks as it was called, did lend me to develop certain affinities to a lot of the core attributes of what makes Vermont so special.  It was only after coming back to Vermont years later with my family for a vacation did I understand and recognize.  It was the feel of the sun on my face, the smell of the rain, the color of the sky in the morning and the rhythm of the woods.  It was like a bull horn screaming into my soul….look around….look at the eyes of the people who live here.  They were not desperate eyes searching.... they were content, albeit tired from a long day of work, but content.  Confident they had already found their sense of place.  Passed down for generations……they understood – and while doggedly protective of their heritage, so genuinely happy to share their bounty with those who would appreciate and understand.
Black River Meadows

You cannot force a sense of place – you can create comfort and security, but a true sense of place will have to find you.   When she does, she will fill you with spirit and joy, wonderment and enthusiasm.   Allows you childlike freedom of pure happiness and gives you the sustenance to go on through difficult times.   The ability to truly feel connected - a deep sense of belonging, my sense of place - Vermont. 
 Have you found yours?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Snowmageddon 2014

After much cleaning and shoveling and complaining by all humans today, we are slowly getting back to something close to the beginning of normal after our big snowmageddon.  The winter coat for Bella was a huge success and she did not destroy it as predicted.  The frozen tundra is starting to recede and all functions are getting back to normal, like being able to go outside for more than 2 seconds at a time.  Even the squirrels are returning to be a constant source of annoyance... sorry... entertainment.  I do believe it is going to be a long winter this year, so a strong dose of patience and positive energy will need to be mustered up for all creatures big and small....

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snow Day!!

Today is a good snow day.  We are expected to get 6-10 inches of the beautiful white stuff today - all day (we won't talk about the very cold temps that will also be coming later). 
January in the Midwest, is well...a little boring...I am sorry to all my neighbors but there is not really a whole bunch to do here when it snows other than shovel and wait for spring.

 No skiing....

Lovely cross-country skiing- nothing - snow mobile enthusiast, not in the burbs. You could go ice skating - but that is indoors and you could do that in July here.....really, indoor ice skating - yuck!!

Even Bella was going stir crazy!!!

But today there was hope for some serious play....she noticed it first  - like a snow sentinel... and out the door she coat - favorite was GREAT!! 


She played and we all use to do when we were kids, when a big storm meant lots of adventures and was not a concern - a huge snow fort for the best snowball fight around, a hike in the woods, sledding down some serious hills  - Remember?  When did we all forget about how much pure joy a good snow brought.  The news is on in the background warning about this dire emergency  - its snow people.....

 Are you kidding me?? 

 When did winter become cold and scary??   Take care of yourself, your neighbors, dress appropriately and you will be fine.....and oh yeah.....HAVE FUN!!  Studies show that if you have less stress and have more enjoyable moments you will sleep better.....